0-2 Age Rating, 3+ Age Rating, 5+ Age Rating, A CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION, A ENCOURAGING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR, A FUNNY BOOKS, Age 0-2 Star Rating, Age 3+ Star Rating, Age 5+ Star Rating, Blog Show All Posts, Book Review's, Children’s Books Bedtime Stories Review, FRIENDSHIP, Jonathan Emmett, KINDNESS AND RESPECT, Nathan Reed, PERSEVERENCE AND DETERMINATION, PROBLEM SOLVING, SHARING AND COOPERATION
This fun fast paced story is masterfully written and illustrated! Children will enjoy the clarity and continuity of this engagingly simple story with a very important message.| By Jonathan Emmett and Nathan Reed | AGES 2-5
3+ Age Rating, 5 Star Rating | Children's Books we Love, 5+ Age Rating, 7+ Age Rating, A CARING FOR THE PLANET, A CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION, A FUNNY BOOKS, A OUR BIG WORLD, Age, Age 3+ Star Rating, Age 5+ Star Rating, Age 7+ Star Rating, Blog Show All Posts, Book Review's, Children’s Books Bedtime Stories Review, CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL, Hannah Shaw, PROBLEM SOLVING, Sean Taylor, SHARING IDEAS
While selfish Mr Tanner was busy polluting his farm, the clever animals set about building an intergalactic rocket to escape the muck and junk. Hilarious misadventure with an environmental message.| By Sean Taylor and Hannah Shaw | AGES 4-7